Day 86: Industrial Rainbows at Old Sugar Mill

“Oh, we ain’t got a barrel of money…” but that doesn’t mean we can’t scrape together enough for the occasional date. Rob & I took a trip out to the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg, CA. It’s only about 15 minutes south of downtown Sacramento, features free wine tasting in a nice, cool indoor environment, fabulous views of the river and vineyards, and an amazing lot of crumbling outbuildings. While primarily a painter, I say it’s a photographer’s dream.

To be fair, Rob shot most of the images today. I was a little tipsy on Reisling, and hobbling around on broken concrete in wedge sandals was enough of a challenge at that point. I asked Rob to get a few specific images (like the orange box, green freight elevator and yellow window), I shot a few myself (the rainbow colored pipe, blue window) then I tweaked them for color and contrast boost.

Colors you see with your own eyes ‘in the wild’ can change a lot just depending on the light and time of day- plus everyone sees color a little differently- so these versions of these “industrial rainbow” images are how my painter eyes prefer to see them. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Day 86: Industrial Rainbows at Old Sugar Mill

  1. sharon says:

    Only an artist’s eye would see the beauty in the colors of these old relics. Yet they are beautiful. Really. I am awe inspired and will have to open my eyes more to the hidden beauty that surrounds us all.


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